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Jacinta Richmond | General Manager

Jacinta has been working in real estate and property management since 2008 and joined the Empire team as Head of Property Management in 2016 and in 2022 as General Manager. Her natural easy-going nature, helpful and adaptable manner have made her a great asset to the company. Her leadership skills, analytical thinking and her super strength and flexibility have made her a great asset to the company as she flies through any challenge.

Jacinta, along with alter ego Storm, makes fast friends, is brave, supported and well respected. Just like Storm, she is a committed and hardworking team leader who blasts her way through all obstacles. Drawing her super strength from innate power reserves, she believes there is no such thing as bad weather, has great visual acuity and nothing stands in the way of reaching her goals. She dares to go where others can't and won't.

When not drawing on her skills of leadership and precision Jacinta loves spending time with her husband and family, her three nieces and dogs.


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