By Anne-Marie Johnson
“If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.”
Red Adair – Innovator
When selling your home, the aim is to sell the property for the maximum amount and in the most efficient manner possible. That means it's vital to hire professionals who will ensure this happens – after all, it's their job! Below are just some of the specialised skills and knowledge that a real estate agent will provide when selling your home.
Utilise Key Market Knowledge
An agent will provide you with local market information and use their experience to advise you on:
What the market will pay
The most effective way of reaching potential buyers
The best method of sale
Maximum Exposure For Minimum Cost
In order to achieve your aims in regards to selling your property, your agent will provide a tailored advertising and marketing strategy and manage its implementation. The agent’s skills and experience will ensure you reach your target market in the most cost-efficient way.
Good presentation is crucial to a successful sale and an independent agent is the best person to provide assistance on presenting your property to ensure it attracts the target market.
Negotiation Skills
Your agent will be required to act in your best interest and will handle all negotiations. An agent with great negotiation skills is worth their weight in gold; they will negotiate price, sale conditions and dates to ensure the best possible outcome.
Managing Contracts
Your agent will present all offers to you and explain important items such as price, deposit and finance, as well as building inspections, termite checks and settlement dates. The agent will manage the process from offer to settlement, ensuring the sales contract meets the expectations of both parties and is legally binding.
An Impartial Party
Some people attempt to sell their own home because they believe they possess many of the skills required to sell a property or because they feel they know their home best, however, this can be to their detriment. When you are emotionally attached to a house, it can cloud your ability to assess the presentation of the property and act impartially in the negotiations, which can drag out a sale and end up costing you more. The additional return you gain through obtaining a realistic price, implementing an effective market plan and selling your home in a timely manner will outweigh the cost of employing an agent.
About the author
Anne-Marie Johnson is a committed and experienced member of the team at Empire Strata Management, with more than 20 years' experience as a real estate agent in Victoria Park, Lathlain and the Perth metropolitan area. Over the years, she has gained invaluable knowledge, experience and respect within the industry, with her success being accredited to her attention to detail and exceptional communication skills. Anne-Marie's success speaks for itself having achieved hundreds of sales over the years and establishing record sale prices in both prosperous and difficult economic times.
Need more information on this topic or help with other property sales questions? Feel free to call and speak to us at Empire Strata Management on (08) 9262 0400 or email